LWA member Trisha sent a heads-up our way about a current exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, Florida. The exhibit is entitled "More than Words: Illustrated Letters from the Archives of American Art." It contains letters which have been embellished with pictures by artists such as Alexander Calder, Thomas Eakins, Andy Warhol, and Andrew Wyeth. The example shown at left is by Moses Soyer to David Soyer. "Their communications offer an intimate view of the artists' worlds their families, friends, business relations, travels, and personal observations each in the sender's own distinctive style." These letters are fine examples of the art in hand-written communication. The exhibit contains 58 pieces on loan from the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, and runs until July 19th, 2009.
Hmmmh - might just have to make a trip to St. Pete next week.
Posted by: Okami | June 26, 2009 at 11:33 AM
Pssst -
(This is off-topic): you need to update your listing of international letter rates! :-)
Posted by: The Missive Maven | June 27, 2009 at 04:02 PM