The lovely Shire Classics sent me another of their new books to review. This one is all about the sundry bits and pieces that used to accompany the act of writing before all this funny business with ball point pens. From quill pens and blotters to penwipers and ink bottles, stamp holders, pen nibs and more! Just look at those wonderful lap desks. The whole volume was like an enormous "Donovan Wants" list. Fortunately, the book was rather slim because there's no way my wallet would survive trying to add all of this to my collection. If this seems like something you'd like to know more about, WRITING ANTIQUES is a nice starting resource.
Through some happy mix-up, I was sent two copies of this book; so I'm giving one away! Leave a comment with your L.W.A. member number and your favorite writing antique. I'll select a winner at random a week from now.
UPDATE: The contest is now closed and Kim, L.W.A. member #000984 was our chosen winner!
I love those heavy fancy typewriters from the early 1900s that weigh more than my cat (and yes my cat is really that heavy).
Posted by: Amanda S | August 06, 2010 at 10:24 AM
we had a mid-century typewriter that came in its own suitcase. my parents hated how loud it was, but even when i was young, i appreciated the unique look of a page from a typewriter. i'm almost positive we got rid of it a long time ago; it's such a shame, really. it was a beautiful piece! :o( #000984
Posted by: kim | August 06, 2010 at 12:58 PM
That book sounds so interesting.I can remember when the day in school that we stopped using the steel tip pens with a wooden holder. They handed out ball point pins with the same kind of holder but plastic. Wish I still had it.
Also, my mother had an old underwood typewriter with glass caps on the keys. Our computer keyboards are so soft to our fingers these days. Much better.
Posted by: Carol Wong | August 06, 2010 at 03:24 PM
love it!!! i am mad about vintage typewriters that write in cursive...such a lovely font :) #000876
Posted by: kimberly | August 06, 2010 at 05:04 PM
how generous of you for giving away the extra book! I delight in the old manual typewriters that I learned to type on!! Quills and ink wells have always fascinated me, but I feel sure they were very messy :> #000866
Posted by: HAPPY DAY MAIL c/o Linda Williams | August 06, 2010 at 08:28 PM
Quills and ink wells are indeed very messy! I quilled a letter to Donovan from the letter writing room at Toronto's Historic First Post Office. The result was scratchy, noisy and blobby, and gave me even more appreciation for the beautiful penmanship of the past. #000387
Posted by: Alice S. | August 07, 2010 at 01:01 AM
I'll take an antique leather journal with thick ivory paper, a quill pen & inkwell & an antique blotter pad: heavenly bliss!
My member # is 000868 ~ gotta go write in my not-so-antique journal sans the pen & inkwell... {{{SIGH}}}
Posted by: Glenda | August 07, 2010 at 06:31 PM
My favorite old writing related thing at the moment is my old box of binder paper I found. It looks like it was used in the 1950's, though I've yet to actually date it. It's yellowed and I love writing on it, though I do wonder what my recipients think when they see it!
I have a blue typewriter tucked away in my closet, but I'm lusting after cursive typewriters now and there's no way to satisfy me until I find one!
member #000985
Posted by: Dawn | August 09, 2010 at 03:33 PM
Excellent giveaway, thanks. My favorite writing antiques are campaign lap desks. People really knew how to travel in style.
I'm LWA member no. 311.
Posted by: Mimi | August 09, 2010 at 04:37 PM
I don't know if this is in the book or not, but one of the ultimate dream writing antiques for me is a WOOTEN DESK! I certainly can't afford one that's for sure. Hopefully, I can one day at least own an antique/vintage desk of some sort (with a hidden compartment to boot). I do own a few old dip pens, a nice antique lacquer pen box that my sister gave me and assorted other little goodies. Would love to win the book!
Tanya 001119
Posted by: Tanya | August 10, 2010 at 04:26 AM
I'm member # 000814 and a vintage writing desk would suit me.
Posted by: Garci | August 10, 2010 at 08:22 PM