Kevin of the always amazing Philosetlian Post designed these artistamps for all members to use! How great is that?! Members can get them in our downloads section. Kevin is way cool. Also, he's offering a free perforation of a sheet of the stamps for members.
Here’s what to do:
-Download and print a sheet of LWA stamps on ungummed or dry-gummed paper. (Do not use sticker paper! Stamps printed on self-adhesive labels or stickers will be returned unperforated.)
-Fold the sheet along the lines labeled “fold here” and insert it into a #10 business size envelope. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope in which your perforated sheet can be returned to you. (If you prefer, you can place the unfolded sheet and SASE inside a large envelope.)
-Mail the envelope containing your LWA stamps and SASE to:
Kevin Blackston
PO Box 57622
Jacksonville FL 32241-7622
United States of America
Your sheet of stamps will be perforated and returned to you for free!
Please note: Free perforation offer is limited to one sheet of L.W.A .fantasy stamps (designed by Kevin Blackston) per member per calendar year. If you wish to submit multiple sheets, or if you are interested in having other L.W.A. downloads or stamps of your own design perforated, you may be interested in Philosateleian Post’s printing and perforating services.
And if you take him up on his offer, remember to thank Kevin for his amazing services! And thank you all so much for your contributions to our community!
What a generous offer. I've sent mine off! Thanks Kevin, Donovan and Kathy.
Posted by: StoneZebra | June 11, 2016 at 11:43 AM
In my download, I don't see options for "fold here". Am I missing it?
Posted by: Ashley Prosser | July 19, 2019 at 07:56 AM
Sorry Amy. I cant really troubleshoot that one for you as I didnt make the PDF, Kevin did. And Im also bad at computers. Truly. 90 year olds are better than me.
But, the fold here lines are just to fold the paper into thirds, like you would to put it into a business size envelope. They arent super necessary for the design.
Posted by: Donovan Beeson | July 19, 2019 at 08:50 AM