(Photo by Chandra Greer of Greer Chicago)
It's September and Summer is swiftly speeding by us. Chicago-area schools all started right after Labor Day and I think we're among the late starters. Some of you may still be in school. For me, school was a while ago, but I still love seeing the stacks of supplies going on sale. I do use a fair number of what could be considered "school supplies" in my mail art and stationery. How about you? What are your favorites? What do you wait all year for to indulge in?
For me, I like anything with graph paper or interesting lines. I love that elementary learning-how-to-write newsprint with its pink and blue dashed lines. My favorite supply when still in school was the Mead 5 Star college rule (wide rule is gross) notebook. They are spiral bound, but the pages are perforated; so you don't have the terrible snow-edge problem when you need to turn in an assignment. (I was forever having the "wrong" paper for my school projects, and there was also that terrible day when I forgot my Trapper Keeper on top of the family car and had to pick up all my notes from along the side of the road.) I remember them making up to five subject sections divided by a tabbed and pocketed folder, but I only saw three subjects for sale when I poked around my local Target. (I was honestly a little disappointed. Of course, when one has Greer nearby, the definition of back-to-school shopping hits another level.) And, of course, the smell of pencils and Scotch tape are among the best smells in the world.
So I want to know, what did you get for the back-to-school season? Do you care? Am I along in browsing those sections even though I have no classes to attend? Share with us in the comments.
Pens. Pens pens pens.
Posted by: Terri Beth | September 10, 2018 at 10:35 AM
I snagged a cute pencil holder so that my purse is slightly cleaner.
Posted by: Katherine | September 10, 2018 at 12:00 PM
I bought a small pile of store-brand composition and spiral notebooks from Staples for 50¢ each, which was fun. If you take care to get the ones from Brazil, they're nicely fountain-pen friendly, too.
A thing I went looking for but can't find any more are those fantastic, cheap, canvas-covered blue 3-ring binders that I used to get every year up through 7th or 8th grade. I miss them terribly, and *nobody* sells them any more. Which is confusing to me -- they were the *cheap* option when I was a kid. I'm a little jealous that you had a Trapper Keeper. :)
Posted by: Joe F. | September 10, 2018 at 12:35 PM
Unique binder clips and paper clips--brightly colored, oddly shaped, etc.
Posted by: Constance | September 10, 2018 at 11:55 PM
The little tiny binders with lined sheets at Staples. The pretty colored page flags from 3M. Hot Topic has some Lisa Frank stationary stuff for back to school, I might indulge. I DO have a Pusheen flying unicorn cat notebook I use at work though. :)
Posted by: Kim Locke | September 11, 2018 at 03:26 PM
I take advantage of this time to get the big package of glue sticks on sale. They usually last until the following September. Also, love me some gelly pens!
Posted by: JJalltheway | September 12, 2018 at 04:52 PM