If you are interested in getting a lovely finish on your cards with a hand-stamped cancellation, all you really need is time. The post office recommends sending your re-mailings no later than December 7th; so get on it! You have to prepare your mailings and then send them all of for their special markings, and then they get mailed out from the post office or crazy mail-obsessed person you sent them too. Only then do they start the journey to their final destination.
Here's how to do it. If you design or add mail art to your envelopes, make sure to leave an empty space of at least three and a half inches to the left of the postage stamp. You should also affix your stamps about a quarter inch from the top and right edge of your envelope. This will allow for the best cancellation for your collection. Just pack up your covers inside another envelope (or box) with your cards to the address you want your postmark from. Then you wait. And hopefully, you end up having sent out some super special mail.
For a North Pole Postmark, send to:
ANCHORAGE AK 99530-9998
There are also a plethora of postmark cities that are holiday-appropriate. You can send mail to the postmasters at the following ZIPs for cancellation and re-mailing as well. Enclose stamped cards or letters addressed to yourself or others and put them into another envelope or box labeled to "Christmas Postmark" and send on to one of these options:
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